Did Ya Know that there are MANY different ways that you can use coupons? Some stores allow you to stack coupons, meaning you can have 2 coupons for the same item as long as one is a manufacture coupon and the other is a store coupon (This typically applies to grocery stores like Target, and drug stores like CVS, there are MANY others.Check your store's coupon policy). Some stores/restaurants will let you use an EXPIRED (gasp) coupon. Some stores even let you use a coupon before it is even "officially" valid. When in doubt, always ask what the store/restaurant's coupon policy is.
My Personal Experience:
I used to work as a waitress at a popular seafood restaurant, and we were always allowed to bend rules on a coupon. If the coupon stated "save x amount on two entrees" , we would be able to divide that amount in half if it was only on one entree. We were also allowed to accept expired coupons.
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